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I resisted watching the new version of The Stand for a long time. Mostly because I loved the book (the uncut version) and loved the 90’s mini-series. I hadn’t heard many good things about this new one, so I didn’t bother watching it.

I was wrong, I should have watched it earlier. Produced by Owen King, it’s an interesting take on his father’s apocalyptic book. The first couple episodes are a bit confusing because they start off in Boulder and show the beginning of the story through flashbacks. It makes for a bit of a jarring story and hard to follow at times.

But it picks up speed and becomes a very compelling watch. There are points about it that I like better than the original. I think this version brings out the difference between the good and evil even better than the book. I think it shows Las Vegas in such a way that you understand all the things they found to be living life were really their own downfall.

And the final episode – something that doesn’t fully exist in the book or in the earlier mini-series. It’s a good addition to the overall story. Though, like with George Lucas messing with Star Wars, having King add to his revered stories is probably enough to turn some people off. Pffft.

All in all, I enjoyed the series. I might even watch it again sometime.